Elle & Vire Recipes
by Pierre Gagnaire

Recipe Scampi with cream

4 persons

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
6 large scampi
fleur de sel
1 bunch of redcurrants
8 gooseberries
5 à 8 fresh strawberries
1 fresh, tender ear of corn
mild olive oil
1 lemon
1 tsp paprika
1/2 long green pepper
4 Gelatine leaves
120 g buttermilk
200 g Cooking Cream Sour Taste
freshly ground black pepper
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1


    See ingredients above
  2. 2

    Jelled buttermilk

    • Stir the gelatine, previously softened in warm water, into some of the slightly warmed buttermilk.
    • Transfer to a baking sheet then cut into squares.
  3. 3

    Seasoned Cream

    • Finely dice the green pepper and combine it along with the paprika with 80 g of the cream.
    • Season to taste.
  4. 4


    • Remove the shells from the scampi tails.
    • Slice into 3, season with salt and pepper, add a dash of olive oil, some of the lime zest grated on a microplane, and a few drops of lime juice.
    • Combine gently.
  5. 5


    • Égrainer l’épis de maïs. Couper les fraises et les groseilles à maquereau.
    • Déposer au centre d’une grande assiette plate un trait de crème assasionnée et répartir de façon élégante la crème nature.
    • Déposer deux-trois carrés de lait ribot gélifié. Déposer les langoustines bien froides.
    • Terminer en ajoutant les grains de maïs, les fraises, les groseilles à maquereau, les groseilles et la ciboulette.

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