Elle & Vire Recipes
by Nicolas Boussin

Recipe My sweet cherry

24 persons

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
Green anise chiffon cake
100 g grape seed oil
420 g egg whites
2,4 g yeast
36 g corn starch
156 g T45 flour
12 g powdered green anise
204 g egg whites
216 g egg yolks
12 g honey
80 g Elle & Vire gourmet butter 82% FAT
240 g sugar
Morello Cherry compote
800 g frozen morello cherries
3 g citric acid solution
49 g hydrated gelatine (7 g gelatine + 42 g water)
2 g xanthan gum
150 g sugar
8 g pectin NH
100 g Morello Cherry puree
8 cloves
5 g lemon peel
16 drops bitter almond flavouring
Milky Namelaka
110 g whole milk
60 g condensed milk (without sugar)
23 g hydrated gelatine (3.5 g gelatine + 21 g water)
143 g white chocolate
20 g cocoa butter
220 g Excellence Whipping Cream 35% FAT
Yogurt mousse
170 g milk
112.5 g sugar
1.5 g lemon zest
105 g hydrated gelatine (15 g gelatine + 90 g water)
40 g Sosa® yoghurt powder
375 g yogurt
750 g Excellence Whipping Cream 35% FAT
Pistachio & anise coating
88 g sugar
44 g water
120 g chopped pistachios
1 kg white chocolate
250 g cocoa butter
50 g grape seed oil
1.2 g fat-soluble yellow food colouring
0.8 g fat-soluble green food colouring
12 g anise seed, ground
Green sauce for spraying
300 g white chocolate
270 g cocoa butter
30 g concentrated butter
0.6 g fat-soluble yellow food colouring
0.4 g fat-soluble green food colouring
6 g green anise seed, ground
White chocolate crisps
QS dried cherry powder
QS white chocolate
Finishing touches
95 g neutral glaze
10 g liquid used to soak the cherries
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1

    Green anise chiffon cake

    In a food processor, blend the oil, butter, honey, egg yolks and egg whites (1) then sift and add the flour, green anise powder, starch and baking powder. Whisk the egg whites (2) with the sugar. Incorporate into the first mixture. Spread the cake onto a Silpat® using a frame which will be removed prior to baking. Bake at 150 °C for 30 minutes, then immediately set out onto a wire rack.
  2. 2

    Morello Cherry compote

    Coarsely chop the frozen Morello cherries in a food processor. Next, boil them for 5 minutes and then retrieve the juice to infuse the lemon zest and cloves. Strain through a fine sieve. Add the Morello cherry puree and heat to 40 °C, add the pectin NH mixed with 2/3 of the sugar and bring everything to a boil. Mix the Xanthan with the 1/3 of the remaining sugar and incorporate into the puree. Blend. Add the Morello cherry pieces and bring back to a boil for 3 minutes. Add the hydrated gelatine, bitter almond flavouring and the solution of citric acid. Pour directly over the cake in a 1/2 frame. Freeze. Use a cutter to cut out rounds of 5.5 cm in diameter

  3. 3

    Milky Namelaka

    Boil the milk with the condensed milk, melt the hydrated gelatine into this mixture and pour over the white chocolate and cocoa butter. Blend. At 40 °C, add the cold cream, then blend, and refrigerate.
  4. 4

    Yogurt mousse

    Boil the milk, sugar and lemon zest, leave to infuse for 3 minutes with the lid on, then add the yoghurt powder and melted gelatine. Pour the hot mixture through a fine sieve to loosen the yoghurt, then with the mixture at 30 °C, incorporate the whipped cream.
  5. 5

    Pistachio & anise coating

    Boil the water and the sugar and heat to 117 °C, then add the hot chopped pistachios and crumb together. Melt the white chocolate and cocoa butter, add the oil and blend with the colourings and add the green anise seeds.
  6. 6

    Green sauce for spraying

    Melt the white chocolate, cocoa butter and concentrated butter, then add the food colourings and blend, next infuse the ground green anise seeds and pass
    through a fine sieve.
  7. 7

    White chocolate crisps

    Dust a strip of clear plastic sheet with a fine sprinkling of dried cherry powder.
    Pipe tempered white chocolate into circles of different diameters (0.5 to 1 cm).
    Sprinkle once again with dried cherry powder. Cover with a second strip of clear plastic sheet and press down to flatten.
  8. 8


    Pipe 50 g of yogurt mousse into each round Silikomart® (SF127) mould, ensuring that the edges are well lined. Arrange the insert and smooth over. Pipe 12 g of yogurt mousse into each Silikomart® (SF164) mini-pillow mould, then pipe 8 g of Namelaka and smooth over. Place in the blast chiller
  9. 9

    Finishing touches

    Spray a thin layer of clear glaze mixed with 10% water onto the round and minipillow moulds. Mist with the green sauce. Pour 33°C melted pistachio & anise
    coating into 1/3 of the base of each round mould, and scrape the bottom. Pipe in the whipped Namelaka using a 4 mm plain nozzle and arrange the misted mini-pillow moulds. Decorate in a cone with white chocolate pastilles and cherry glaze pearls.

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