Elle & Vire Les recettes
par Gunn Arunphraphan

Recette Choux au riz gluant à la mangue et à la crème

10 parts
la photo

Pour préparer ce plat

Liste des ingrédients
320 g eau
28 g lait en poudre
5 g sucre
5 g sel
150 g Beurre gastronomique doux 82% MG
180 g farine
320 g oeufs entiers
150 g Beurre gastronomique demi sel 80% MG
180 g sucre brun
2 g sel
180 g farine
20 g beurre de cacao
170 g chocolat blanc
110 g coco râpée
1 g sel
75 g riz au jasmin
125 g lait
125 g lait de coco
125 g eau
2 g sel
38 g sucre
150 g crème anglaise
46 g masse gélatine
150 g Crème excellence 35% MG
12 pièces feuilles de pandan
500 g eau
450 g eau de pandan
80 g sucre
4 g agar-agar
170 g lait
112 g Crème excellence 35% MG
50 g blancs d'œufs
55 g sucre
Les bons produits Elle & Vire

La recette,
étape par étape

  1. 1


    Boil water, sugar, salt and butter together. Once boiled, add milk powder and mix well. 

    With the heat off, add sifted all-purpose flour and stir until combined.

    Put the mixture back to the heat, keep stirring until the panade is cooked.

    Put the panade into a stand mixer bowl, with paddle attachment.

    Turn on the mixer at low speed to cool it off to 60°C.

    Slowly add beaten eggs, until the batter becomes homogeneous.

    Pipe the choux batter onto a tray lined with perforated silicone mat.

    Top the choux with craquelin.

    In a fan oven, bake at 150°C, full force, for 30 minutes and let it cool down.

    With deck oven, bake at 190°C, for 45 minutes and leave the oven door open, then bake for another 15 minutes or until the choux is cooked.

  2. 2


    Add all the ingredients into a stand mixer, mix well.

    Roll out the dough into 2-3 mm thick, freeze.

    Cut out the dough into the desired shape. Keep them frozen.

  3. 3


    Temper cocoa butter and white chocolate together. Add coconut and salt, then roll out into 1 mm thick. Put into the fridge until it completely crystallizes.

    Cut into a desired shape and keep it chilled.

  4. 4


    Mix all the ingredients except the brunoised mango and bring to the boiling point while constantly mixing.

    Once the mixture is boiled and thickened.

    Cool down. 

    Once the mixture is cooled off, add mango. Fill the compote into the desired mold, freeze.

  5. 5


    Wash and rinse the rice until the rinsing water becomes clear.

    Put the rice, milk, coconut milk and water into a saucepan.

    Cook at low heat until the rice is cooked. 

    Season with salt and sugar.

    Cool down.

    Add cooled creme anglaise and gelatin mass.

    Fold in whipped cream, set aside.

  6. 6


    Blend pandan leaves with water together, strain.

    Mix 400 g of pandan water, sugar, and agar-agar powder in a saucepan.

    Boil the mixture for at least 5 seconds to activate the agar-agar powder. Cool down, let it set completely.

    Chop the pandan agar-agar into small pieces, blend with an immersion blender until achieving a gel texture.

    Adjust the consistency with the remaining pandan water.

  7. 7


    Temper the egg yolks and sugar mixture with the milk and cream.

    Cook the creme anglaise until it is thickened.

    Cool down.

  8. 8


    Cut the top part of the choux.

    Fill the choux in with rice pudding mousse.

    Add frozen mango compote into the middle.

    Close the filled choux with coconut croustillant. 

    Place another frozen compote on top, Pipe chantilly cream around. 

    Slice fresh mango, dust with icing sugar, and caramelize it with a blow torch.

    Glaze the mango with apricot glaze or nappage.

    Place it on the choux top part, finish it with a gold leaf.

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