Peel the vegetables (carrots and potatoes) and cut them into pieces. Cook them in boiling water for 10 minutes with the peas.
Peel and cut the onion and garlic cloves. Pour everything into a pan with a drizzle of olive oil. Add the cumin, curry powder and drained vegetables. Crush the mixture roughly, then add the chopped coriander.
To shape the samossas, cut the brick pastry in half and fold each half in half lengthwise. Place a teaspoon of filling in the right-hand corner of the first half of the sheet. Take this corner and fold it to the left to form a triangle.
Take this triangle and fold it to the right along the fold. Lift the triangle again and fold it to the left along the fold. Repeat the process until the last remaining edge is folded into the fold of the triangle.
Option 1 : fry the samossas for 3 minutes in hot oil, turning them over. Once cooked, drain and place them on an
absorbent paper.
Option 2 : preheat oven to 180°C. Lightly brush the samossas with melted butter using a kitchen brush. Then place them on baking paper and bake for about 5-7 minutes on each side.
Once cooked, the samossas can be enjoyed with the Greek sauce.
French-American, Zoé Armbruster is a culinary stylist and author of several books, particularly around healthy cooking. After living for 7 years in California, Zoé moved to Paris in 2016 to follow a cooking course at the Ferrandi school before creating the culinary production studio Zoé & Blaise.