Wash the carrots, turnips, and leeks. Cut the leek into chunks, the tomato into pieces and the turnips in 2. Chop the garlic. Cut the cabbage into pieces and rinse.
Pour the fish stock into a casserole with the tomato and garlic. Add the carrots, leek, turnips, and cabbage. Simmer until the vegetables are cooked and crunchy (about 10 min). After cooking, drain and set aside the vegetables, keeping the stock.
Peel the potatoes and steam for 6 min.
Cut the smoke in half and reduce the first half for 5 min over high heat. Add the cream, mix and continue cooking for 5 min. Mix and place in a saucer.
Heat the butter in a skillet to obtain a hazelnut butter.
Then arrange the monkfish, cut into medallions. Cook for 1 min on each side, remove from the heat and sauté the shrimp. Place the monkfish pieces back in the skillet, season with salt and pepper and add the cumin and chopped parsley. Cook over low heat for 1 min.