Over the past few months, a type of cabbage, kale, has held top place among the trendiest foods. This old type of green cabbage has long been forgotten. Yet today, it has seen a surge in its popularity in New York, where consumption increased by some 30% between 2007 and 20141. In France there has been the “Kale project”2 and it has a leading role in noodle and salad dishes in Asia. Let’s decipher this trend which surfs on the healthy wave.


Kale is a variety of curly cabbage in the Brassicaceae family (Brassica oleracea), from the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Very popular in the Middle Ages in many European countries, kale was introduced into America at the beginning of the 17th century. Easy to grow, highly resistant and extremely satiating, kale was for a long time a basic food before dying out after the Second World War. It was revived by vegans.


This new enthusiasm isn’t just a fad: in 2008, the journal “Live Science” ranked kale in 6th place among

the 7 foods which you could live off on a desert island. In fact, its iron content makes it an excellent alternative to meat: it has been called “the new beef”. Low in calories and rich in minerals (for an equivalent weight, kale contains 20% more calcium than milk), this variety of cabbage contains more vitamins C, K and A than most vegetables, as well as fibres and various antioxidants. 60 grams of kale contains 134% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C, more than an orange!


It’s no surprise that kale tastes of… cabbage. This superfood can be eaten with everything: in a smoothie, a salad, sautéed in a wok… But also in crisps. However, it is recommended to eat it raw to preserve its vitamins. To use it in a salad, remove the sides, roughly chop the leaves, massage them to make them soft and sweet, and season to taste. How do you massage the leaves? Press the leaves in both hands, then rub them together. To make it easier you can also rub them with a mixture of olive oil and salt. Kale is also popular in recipes for green juices and other detox drinks. It has even inspired mixologists, who have created a type of mojito called “Kalejito3”.


Following the example of the Battersby restaurant in Brooklyn, whose kale salad was voted “Dish of the year 2012” by monthly magazine “Bon Appétit”, most leading Chefs now use kale in their recipes. For example, Amandine Chaignot, Executive Chef of the Rosewood Hotel in London, uses it in a recipe for stuffed cabbage with calf sweetbreads and candied citron peel, and Christopher Kostow, Executive Chef of the Meadowood in Napa Valley, California, has created a recipe for kale crisps served with chorizo puree and threads of Espelette pepper.

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