Recipe for a Paco Jet
Heat the water to 40°C then sprinkle in the combined sugar, glucose powder and stabilizer and heat to 85°C. Add the buddha’s hand citron zest, lemon juice and Cream Cheese, blend and freeze in a Paco jet® bowl.
Whisk together the softened butter and sifted icing sugar, then add the room temperature egg white, a little at a time, and finally the flour.
Spread the cigarettes Russes mixture onto a baking mat using a stencil (32x3cm), sprinkle over edible gold glitter.
Preheat the oven to 160°C then bake for a few minutes until lightly golden. Remove from the oven and shape the tuiles around a stainless steel shape (Gobel® 110 Oblong shape). Set aside in an airtight container in a dry place.
Heat the cream, milk and vanilla to approximately 40°C and sprinkle in the combined sugar and pectin X58. Bring the mixture to the boil, add the cream cheese, blend and strain through a china cap sieve. Refrigerate for a few hours. Transfer to a whipped cream dispenser, add two gas cartridges and shake well.
Whisk the egg whites with a small amount of the sugar until almost firm, add the remaining sugar and continue whisking until stiff. Use a flexible plastic scraper to gently fold in the sifted icing sugar.
Using a piping bag fitted with a small plain nozzle, pipe the meringue and sprinkle over the combined sugar and edible silver glitter.
Dry out in the oven at 90°C for approximately 1 hour.
Combine all the ingredients until they form a dough then crumble onto a baking sheet and bake at 150°C until golden.
Whip all the ingredients together in a mixer.
Blend all the ingredients together.
Temper the white chocolate on a marble surface, spread out onto a textured sheet and cut out using an oval cutter that is slightly larger than the shape of the tuile.
Leave to crystallize between two baking sheets and then use a pastry brush to brush edible silver glitter on top.
Position the tuile on a plate with a few pieces of hazelnut crumble at the bottom, garnish with vanilla cream cheese espuma and smooth the top. Add a piece of white chocolate and pipe a few balls of Sublime with vanilla onto it and onto the plate.
Add pieces of citrus fruit (orange, grapefruit and lime). Position a quenelle of cream cheese and buddha’s hand citron sorbet in the centre of the white chocolate.
Decorate with meringues.