Elle & Vire Recipes
by Bastien de Changy Cooking Chef

Recipe Seven variations on the leek

2 persons

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
2 organic leeks
1 bay leaf
1 sprig thyme
Smoked salt
1 SQ Espelette pepper
flaxseed oil
1 cuillère à soupe meadowsweet
200 g leek greens
leek roots
Blackberry vinegar
500 g leek greens
220 g Jam sugar
200 g leek greens
60 cl grape seed oil
SQ mustard seeds
SQ sugar
SQ cider vinegar
SQ water
2 bay leaves
40 cl Excellence whipping cream 35% fat
1 shallots
1 garlic clove
1 white onion
1 fillet olive oil
8 cl Sauternes
10 cl stock made with vegetable peelings
25 g melted brown butter
1 teaspoon dried meadowsweet
1 pinch Smoked salt
1 pinch Espelette pepper
1 cuillère à soupe traditional wholegrain mustard
SQ roasted hazelnuts
SQ Trout roe
SQ white currants
SQ sage sprigs
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1


    The veil: Make an incision lengthwise in the white part of the leek and remove two leaves. Poach for 40 seconds in simmering salted water containing the bay leaf and thyme. Dry on a tea towel then arrange flat on a baking sheet and singe lightly with a blow torch.

    The white part: Cut the white base of the leeks in half, brush with flaxseed oil, meadowsweet, smoked salt and Espelette pepper. Roast in a 160°C oven until nicely coloured. Turn off the oven and leave to cool. Smoke the whites over hay for 10 minutes in a Big Green Egg on a Japanese teppan griddle. Cut into 2-3 cm pieces. 

  2. 2


    In a dehydrator, dry the leek greens, previously brushed with blackberry vinegar, and the roots. When they are thoroughly dry, grind to a powder and sieve.
  3. 3


    Heat the sugar and leek greens over high heat in a copper saucepan so that the water evaporates, then reduce the heat to low. Cook down to a jam-like consistency, let rest then transfer to sterilized jars.
  4. 4


    Blanch the leek greens for 30 seconds in simmering water then transfer to a bowl of water with ice cubes and pat dry with a tea towel. Purée the leek greens in a Thermomix with the grapeseed oil for 20 minutes at 70°C then filter through cheesecloth to remove any impurities. Transfer to a dropper.
  5. 5


    Heat one part sugar with two parts vinegar and three parts water to boiling and pour the mixture over the mustard seeds and bay leaves in an airtight container. Put the lid on and let cool.
  6. 6


    Thinly slice the onion, shallot and garlic and sweat in a little olive oil in a sauté pan. When cooked, deglaze the pan with the Sauternes, reduce, add the stock reduced by 70%. Then add the cream, melted brown butter and remaining ingredients and let infuse over low heat for 20 minutes. Keep covered and let cool, strain and keep warm. 
  7. 7


    Place the whites of the leeks in the bottom of a bowl then top with a few pickle seeds and the white currants. Place the veil over top and drizzle the cream all around. Sprinkle with trout roe and a few chopped hazelnuts. Apply drops of the leek oil over the cream and sprinkle with pepper. Garnish with a few sprigs of sage.

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