Work the flour, icing sugar, salt and ground almonds with the
butter. Work in the eggs until just combined. Place in the
In a food processor, combine the icing sugar, ground
almonds and flour. Combine with the eggs then beat to
the ribbon on speed 2 of the stand mixer using the paddle
attachment. Stir in the melted butter. Beat the egg whites
stiff with the sugar then gently combine the two mixtures.
Heat the citrus juices, yuzu purée and zests. Strain through a
conical sieve. Add the blanched egg whites and sugar. Heat
slowly to boiling. Add the gelatine masse and the cream
cheese. At 35°C, incorporate the cold butter cut into pieces.
Mix with a hand blender for a perfect emulsion. Refrigerate
for at least 4 hours (ideally overnight).
Heat the lemon and lime juice with the zests and the pear and yuzu purées. At 40°C, add the combined pectin and sugar (1). Bring to the boil then add the combined dextrose and sugar (2). Heat to 102°C or 45° Brix. Add the colouring. Transfer the confit to a recipient and place in the refrigerator.
Combine the egg whites and glucose syrup. Warm to 40°C
in a bain-marie and beat.
Bring the milk to the boil. Add the honey, gelatine mass
and cream cheese. Fold into the stiffly whipped cream then
gently fold in the glucose meringue.
Remove the zest of the lemons with a vegetable peeler.
Blanch in the boiling water. Prepare a syrup with the water
and sugar. Add the colouring, then slowly cook the lemon
zests over low heat until translucent. Strain and cut into
Rehydrate the gelatine in the cold water for 20 minutes
(minimum). Melt in the microwave and set aside in the
Combine all ingredients and store in the refrigerator.
Heat ingredients together and bring to the boil.
Roll out the pastry to a thickness of 2 mm. Let rest in the refrigerator. Press into buttered Ø7.5-cm tartlet rings. Bake in a 150°C convection oven for approximately 15 minutes. Remove from the rings and brush the tartlet shells with the egg wash. Bake again in a 150°C convection oven for approximately 10 minutes.
Spread 600 g of Joconde biscuit on a sheet of baking paper within a frame. Remove the frame and bake in a 200°C convection oven for approximately 8 minutes. Place on a cooling rack immediately after removing from the oven to let cool. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Cut into Ø5-cm rounds.
Fill the tartlet shells with 10 g of confit, top with a biscuit round then pipe out 50 g of citrus cream and place in the freezer.
Using a plain 8 mm nozzle, pipe out a circle of 7 balls of
marshmallow cream cheese of various sizes over the
surface of the tartlets and return them to the freezer. Spray
lightly with glaze, then decorate the centre of the tartlets
with 10 g of warmed confit and the candied lemon peel