Sift together the icing sugar, ground almonds, grated coconut and flour. Begin whisking the egg whites in the mixer bowl until foaming, then whip on a low speed until they form peaks. Gradually add the caster sugar then beat to stiffen the egg whites until smooth and shiny. Sprinkle in the sifted ingredients and gently work the mixture until a homogenous dough is obtained. Spread on a baking tray lined with parchment to a thickness of 3 mm. Bake in a ventilated oven between 180°C (356°F) and 200°C (392°F) for around 20 min. Cut the biscuit with 4 x 10 cm rectangular cutters.
Heat the lime juice. Sprinkle in the caster sugar and NH pectin mixture for texture and cook for 2 min, counting from when the liquid starts to boil. Finish with the liqueur. Pour into 4 x 10 cm rectangular cutter. Make a brunoise with the guava. It must not be overripe.
Make a pâte à bombe: Cook the sugar and the water at 112°C (233.6°F), and meanwhile whisk the egg yolks. When the syrup is the right temperature, drizzle it over the yolks and beat at a low speed until the mixture is tempered. Whip the cream into soft peaks, add the first third of the cream, the Malibu and coconut milk and finish with the two remaining thirds of the cream. Pour the mousse into a 1.5 cm tube and freeze.
Make a dry caramel with the sugar and the glucose. When it is golden andalmostsmoking,addthepre-roastedcoconut. Rolloutonatrayto 1 mm thick and cut into 1 x 1 cm squares.
Mix all the ingredients together and leave to chill.
Place the jelly on the dacquoise biscuit. Arrange a little guava brunoise on the jelly evenly to a thickness of around 2 mm. Place the tube of iced soufflé on the brunoise and arrange the squares of coconut nougatine in staggered rows. Decorate with a little lime peel and grated coconut.