Recipe for 1 Flexipat® (1 000 g)
Combine the eggs, sugar and honey. Add the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Add the butter melted at 50°C (122°F). Spread 1 000 g into a Flexipat® and sprinkle over the chopped pecan nuts. Bake in a fan-assisted oven at 180°C (356°F) for approximately 10 mn. Cool then cut into 6 cm squares. Or pipe (20 g) into a greased 6 cm square ring mould sprinkled with chopped pecan nuts and bake in a fan-assisted oven at 180°C (356°F) for approximately 7 mn.
Bring the juices and the muscat to the boil. Add the vanilla, cloves, star anis, pink peppercorns, finely chopped mint and ginger. Leave to infuse for 15 mn. Strain through a china cap sieve. Add the starch that has been diluted with the sugar and bring to the boil. Add the dissolved gelatine. Add the candied orange and currants. Let the mixture set a little before pouring 2 000 g into a Flexipat®. Freeze. Cut out using a 5 cm diameter pastry cutter.
Heat the water, sugar, glucose and lemon zest to 117°C (243°F) and pour onto the whisked egg whites to make an Italian meringue.
Combine the sugar, Cream Cheese and Crème Fraîche Epaisse. Add the dissolved, softened gelatine. At 33°C (91°F), add the whipped cream then the Italian meringue.
Heat the orange juice, tangerine puree and water to 40°C (104°F). Add the pectin, which has been diluted with the sugar, and inverted sugar. Bring to the boil. Add the citric acid solution, dissolved gelatine and food colouring. Refrigerate to rest. Use at 30°C (86°F).
Whisk all the ingredients together.
Pipe the creamy mousse into the moulds. Add the Christmas compote insert. Smooth then freeze. Remove the mould and glaze.
Pipe the Sublime cream onto the entremets then add chocolate triangles which have been cut out between two acetate guitar sheets. Sprinkle with gingerbread powder rolled in gold powder.