Elle & Vire Recipes
10 persons

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
140 g lemon juice
60 g honey
7 g curry
QS sel, poivre, sucre
10 salmon fillet
Curry sauce
300 g Cooking cream sour taste
100 g onion
20 g olive oil
125 g diced pineapple
125 g diced green apple
80 g diced mango
150 g eau de coco
7 g curry
1 lime
25 g honey
fleur de sel
ground black pepper
diced mango
diced pineapple
julienned green apple
fresh coconut curls
basil sprouts
shiso sprouts
curry powder
fleur de sel
ground black pepper
candied orange peel
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1


    • Combine all the ingredients together.
  2. 2


    • Trim the salmon by removing the skin and the black parts.
    • Marinate for at least 3 to 4 hours.
  3. 3

    Curry sauce

    • Finely slice the onion.
    • Heat the oil gently in a saucepan and sweat the onion slices without letting them brown.
    • Add the diced pineapple, green apple and mango.
    • Pour in the coconut water, the cream and add the curry, lime zest and juice.
    • Bring to the boil and simmer, covered, for approximately 30 min.
    • Transfer to a blender and mix.
    • Strain through a fine-meshed conical sieve and add the honey.
    • Correct the seasoning with the salt, freshly ground pepper and sugar, if necessary.
    • Set aside in a bain-marie.
  4. 4


    • Just before serving, cook the salmon with a blowtorch (using the flame) or under a salamander.
    • Cook on just one side.
    • Plate beginning with the salmon, followed by the sauce, then decorate the plate with the other garnishes.

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A few words about the author…

Sébastien Faré

Sébastien Faré treats us with terroir trends and revisited classics. On this occasion, he imagined for Elle & Vire Professionnel® 7 delicious recipes around the theme of Normandy. These are part of the « Norman Inspirations » recipes collection.

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