Roll out the puff pastry until it is an even 2 mm thick. Then cut out rectangles that are 6 cm by 3 cm. Prick each rectangle all over and bake in a hot oven at 180°C (356°F), between two baking sheets until golden. Roll out the short crust pastry very thinly (less than 1 mm) and cut out 4 rectangles of 5 cm by 4 cm. roll each rectangle around a wooden or metal cylindrical shape and bake in a hot oven at 170°C (338°F) until evenly golden all over. Chill and remove the cylinder. Now wrap the smoked salmon round each cylinder.
Chop the cucumber into 6 cm long sticks. add the chop- ped shallot, mild mustard and dill to the mayonnaise. Garnish each smoked salmon tube with the seasoned mayonnaise. Place each cylinder on a rectangle of puff pastry.
Dress the salad leaves lightly with the vinaigrette.
Whip the cream until firm. season the cream with pepper and salt, mustard, horseradish and lemon juice.
Spread a thin layer of tangy cream sauce on the pastry squares. Place a cylinder of marinated salmon in the middle. Place the puff pastry at one corner of the plate. Place the tangy cream sauce on the opposite side. on the other corner of the plate place some mixed salad. Place the avruga caviar eggs one by one between the cream sauce and the marinated salmon puff pastry.