Melt the butter in a small pan and cook until it is a hazelnut colour. Sift the dry ingredients. Beat the egg whites and add the dry ingredients a little at a time. Add the melted butter. Pour into an 18 cm diameter round mould. Bake at 170 °C for 15 minutes.
Heat the milk to 65 °C/70 °C. Rehydrate the gelatine and put it in the hot milk. Create an emulsion with the hot milk, the melted white chocolate and the almond paste. As soon as the mixture reaches 40 °C/35 °C, add the cream. Leave in the refrigerator overnight at +4 °C. Using a piping bag and a smooth size 10 nozzle, pipe onto the financier.
In a small pan, heat the raspberries, raspberry purée and glucose. In a bowl, combine the sugar with the pectin and mix, dry. Add the sugar and pectin to the pan and bring to the boil, and finally add the lemon juice. Put on top of the almond insert and blast chill.
Rehydrate the gelatine. Heat the milk and add the rehydrated gelatine. Melt the white chocolate and the cocoa butter. Create an emulsion with the hot milk and the melted white chocolate. Allow the temperature to drop to 35 °C. Add the lemon juice. Add the semi-whipped cream. Remove the blast-chilled insert from the mould. Pour the mousse into a mould and add the insert upside-down. Blast chill the tart and then glaze.