Elle & Vire Recipes

Recipe Mackerel fish pie

10 persons
2.5 € / piece

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
1 kg mackerel fillets
10 g traditional wholegrain mustard
5 g moutarde classique
150 g
5 g garlic
75 g oignons émincés
10 g white vinegar
50 g white wine
15 g olive oil
salt and pepper
Potato purée
500 g pommes de terre bintje
120 g
Mustard sauce
300 g
10 g moutarde classique
40 g traditional wholegrain mustard
rocket salad
cherry tomatoes
sauce moutarde

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1


    Place the mackerel fillets into a dish. Add the olive oil, white wine, vinegar, sliced onions and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven at
    80°C (176°F) for 15 minutes.
    Flake the mackerel. Soften the cream cheese with the milk and the cream.
    Combine with the mackerel then add the mustards. Season with salt and pepper.
    Chef's tip

    Déclinaisons : Remplacez la lisette par du cabillaud, du merlu, du mulet ou de la dorade.

  2. 2

    Potato purée

    Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut into pieces and cook in water. Drain.
    Add the butter and crush with a fork. Add the milk until of the desired consistency.
    Chef's tip

    Déclinaisons : A la place de la purée de pomme de terre, osez la purée de patate douce.

  3. 3

    Mustard sauce

    Combine all the ingredients. Heat without bringing to the boil.
    Keep the sauce warm over a bain-marie.
  4. 4


    Spoon 100 g of mackerel per serving into a rectangular pastry cutter. Pipe dots of purée on top.
    Just before serving, re-heat in a combi-oven. Add the mustard sauce, seasoned salad and cherry tomatoes.
    Chef's tip

    Gain de temps : Vous pouvez préparer l’ensemble du plat à l’avance et simplement le réchauffer au four mixte au moment du service.

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