Mix the icing sugar and the ground almonds together. Heat 300 g of sugar and the water to 110°C and pour onto the egg whites (A) that have been warmed and lightly whisked with 30 g of sugar. Continue whisking until almost completely cool. Fold in the ground almonds and icing sugar, add the egg whites (B), and work the mixture until smooth and shiny. Pipe macaroons onto a silicon mat using a 10 mm nozzle. Sprinkle over the lime zest and grated white chocolate. Bake in a fan-assisted oven at 150°C for approximately 12 mn, with the releasing valve open. Transfer to a cooling rack, leave to cool before detaching the macaroons.
Lemon jelly
Bring the water to the boil and infuse with the ground thyme and lemon zest. Add the lemon pulp and pear puree. Mix the pectin with a little sugar and add. Bring to the boil then add the dextrose and remaining sugar. Heat to 52°C, using a refractometer. Set aside.
Cream garnish
Bring the milk and the cream to the boil. Add the gelatine, which has been softened in water, pour onto the white chocolate couverture then gradually add the cream cheese. Refrigerate to set then beat until of the desired consistency.
Spread the cream onto the flat side of the macaroon, add a dot of jelly in the middle and cover with a second macaroon.