Wash the lettuce hearts thoroughly without pulling them apart. drain them over a tea towel, holding their bases upwards. also prepare the other salads, without breaking their leaves if possible.
Finely slice the apples and sprinkle them with lemon water to stop them turning brown. peel and remove strings from the celery sticks and cut them into moderately sized sticks. Marinate the tomatoes in a small amount of olive oil, poach the eggs and let them cool.
Cook the green asparagus tips in boiling water and let them cool. cut 6 - 8 cm emmental sticks* from the heart of the round and cover them in finely chopped chives.
*sticks of Emmental from France Elle & Vire, block (20 sticks)
Arrange a lettuce heart in a salad bowl and place the other salad leaves in between the lettuce leaves. then arrange the other ingredients attractively amongst the leaves (black olives - asparagus tips - cherry tomatoes - slices of potatoes - celery sticks - poached quails eggs).
Arrange the emmental sticks. lightly season top with vinaigrette and sprinkle the edible flowers with fresh herbs. Serve along with a sauce boat filled with vinaigrette.