Make a sandy mass with unsalted butter, icing sugar, almond meal, salt and flour. Fold in eggs and mix until a paste. spread thinly in a frame of 40 x 60 cm.
Make a sandy mass using a mixer fitted with a paddle. Set aside in refrigerator.
Soften cream cheese with italian meringue then fold in whipped cream and lemon zest.
Cook eggs, granulated sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice. Fold in butter and mix all.
Spread sweet pastry in a frame of 60 x 40 cm, sprinkle hazelnut crumble and bake in a convection oven at 170°c / 338°F for about 5 min. Allow to cool and spread cream cheese and freeze. spread lemon curd and freeze again. Glaze with lemon glaze and cut in individual size.