Elle & Vire Recipes

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
Shortcrust pastry
717 g plain flour (T55, approximately 11% protein)
299 g icing sugar
119 g finely ground almonds
8 g salt
418 g Elle & Vire all Purpose butter 82% fat
139 g eggs
Tarragon-scented cream
594 g Elle & Vire all Purpose butter 82% fat
476 g icing sugar
594 g finely ground almonds
59 g potato starch
594 g eggs
178 g Excellence whipping cream 35% fat
4 g dried tarragon
Berries for the filling
315 g IQF strawberries
315 g IQF blueberries
315 g iqf frozen raspberries
Berry compote
246 g blackberry puree
246 g strawberry puree
246 g raspberry puree
20 g sugar (1)
19,7 g NH pectin
131 g sugar (2)
151 g dextrose
66 g gelatine mass
13 g lemon juice
7 drops Violet flavouring
82 g IQF blueberries
82 g iqf frozen raspberries
82 g strawberries
Gelatine mass
31 g powdered 200-bloom gelatine
186 g water
Pastry cream
637 g pastry cream
85 gelatin mass
41 g kirsch (optional)
637 g Excellence whipping cream 35% fat
Pastry cream
490 g milk
122 g egg yolks
98 g sugar
24 g T55 flour
24 g cream powder
Mascarpone decorative cream
100 g milk
100 g sugar
66 g gelatine mass
214 g Mascarpone
920 g Excellence whipping cream 35% fat
Iris Berry Tart finishing touches
150 g fresh blueberries
150 g strawberries
150 g blackberries
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1

    Shortcrust pastry

    Work the flour, icing sugar, salt, and ground almonds with the butter to obtain a sandy texture.

    Add the eggs and mix until just combined.


  2. 2

    Tarragon-scented cream

    Combine the softened butter with the icing sugar, ground almonds and starch.

    Gradually incorporate the room-temperature eggs followed by the warmed cream.

    Add the ground dried tarragon.

  3. 3

    Berries for the filling

  4. 4

    Berry compote

    Heat the purees to 40°C. Add the sugar (1) combined with the NH pectin.

    Bring to the boil, then add the sugar (2) and dextrose.

    Bring back to the boil and add the gelatine mass, lemon juice, violet flavouring, and the IQF berries.

    Let cool.

  5. 5

    Gelatine mass

    Rehydrate the gelatine in the cold water for 20 minutes (minimum).

    Melt in the microwave then store in the refrigerator.

  6. 6

    Pastry cream

    Whisk the pastry cream until smooth, then add the gelatine mass and the kirsch.

    Whip the cream and gently fold into the pastry cream.

  7. 7

    Pastry cream

    Prepare a traditional pastry cream.

  8. 8

    Mascarpone decorative cream

    Bring the milk and sugar to the boil.

    Add the gelatine mass and the mascarpone.

    Blend while adding the cold cream.

    Chill for at least 4 hours (ideally overnight).

  9. 9

    Iris Berry Tart finishing touches

    Roll out the pastry to a thickness of 2 mm.

    Line the buttered tart rings with the pastry and let rest in the refrigerator.

    In each tart base, pipe 250 g of tarragon cream, then scatter with 110 g of thawed, drained berries.

    Finish with another 125 g of tarragon cream over top and smooth.

    Bake on Silpain mats in a 150°C convection oven for approximately 35 minutes (damper closed).

    Place a sheet of baking paper and a baking tray over top to flatten the bases while they cool.

    Spread 200 g of berry compote in a Ø16-cm circle (or silicone disc) then freeze.

    Pipe 200 g of diplomat cream into an Ø18-cm Silikomart Eclipse mould.

    Position the berry compote insert, smooth, and freeze.

    Unmould and place the discs on the tart bases.

    Make a mark with an Ø8-cm cutter (to prevent piping in the centre of the tart).

    Whip the decorative cream.

    Using a 2.3-cm-wide petal nozzle (Ref SN7022), pipe bands (about 190 g of cream).

    Decorate with berries (approximately 80 g).

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A few words about the author…

Maxime Guérin

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