130 g grape seed oil 170 g sugar 300 g egg white 1,7 g baking powder 25 g corn starch 110 g T45 flour 145 g egg white 155 g egg yolk 9 g honey SQ red food colouring
Wild strawberry jam
250 g frozen strawberries 25 g orange juice 10 g pectin NH 100 g sugar 100 g sugar 3 g citric acid solution
Orange custard
250 g 56 g egg yolk 45 g sugar 1/2 vanilla pods 2,5 g orange zest 30 g orange juice 4 g Cointreau 35 g gelatin mass (5 g gelatin powder 200 bloom + 30 g water)
Orange mascarpone cream
375 g crème anglaise à l'orange 350 g
Decorative cream
60 g milk 33 g sugar 17,5 g masse gélatine (2,5 de gélatine + 15 g d'eau) 60 g Cream Cheese Crème Elle & Vire Professionnel® 515 g
150 g mirror glaze 10 g crème framboise 10,5 g gelatin mass (1.5 g gelatin + 9 g water) SQ red food colouring
Chocolate decoration
450 g couverture blanche SQ couverture fraise strawberry red cocoa butter
Strawberry filling
360 g strawberries
The recipe, step by step
Chiffon sponge cake
In a food processor, mix the oil, honey, egg yolks and egg whites (1) together. Sift the flour, cornstarch and baking powder into the mixture. Whisk the
egg whites (2) with the sugar. Add the red food colouring. Incorporate into the first mixture. Spread 1000 g of sponge on a Silpat®. Bake at 150°C for
25 minutes, on two baking sheets (with a Silpat® between the two baking sheets, to prevent the bottom of the sponge from turning brown) and turn out
Wild strawberry jam
Heat the strawberries (cut into pieces) together with the wild strawberries and orange juice. Then, at 40°C, add the pectin mixed together with the sugar
(1). Add the sugar (2) and boil for 3 minutes. Add the citric acid solution. Remove from the pan.
Orange custard
Make a custard, cooked to 82°C, with the cream, egg yolks, sugar, vanilla pod, orange zest and juice.
Pass through a chinois. Then, add the Cointreau® and hydrated gelatin.
Orange mascarpone cream
In a mixer, beat the custard until smooth, then add the mascarpone. Whip
Decorative cream
Boil the milk and sugar. Add the hydrated gelatin and mascarpone. Mix together whilst adding the cream. Place in the fridge.
Melt all the ingredients
Chocolate decoration
Colour the couverture with a little of the red cocoa butter to intensify its colour
Strawberry filling
Cut 3 strips that are 41 cm in length and 6 cm wide and use them to line the circles. Cut out 6 round 12 cm sponges.
Place a layer of sponge in the bottom and pipe 50 g of strawberry jam on top. Then, add 100 g of orange mascarpone cream.
Insert 120 g of strawberries, cut in halves.
Cover with a second layer of sponge, pipe 40 g of strawberry jam, and then 80 g of orange mascarpone cream on top.
Smooth with a palette knife and place in the fridge.
Whip the cream for decorating, make a ring (using a No.7 rose petal tip) on top of the sponge.
Arrange the strawberries and add a few dots of the jelly between them.
Spread the strawberry couverture on a 3 cm x 43 cm acetate strip and comb it with a brush.
Spread the white chocolate couverture over the top and stick the acetate to the sponge at the bottom of the cake.
Press lightly then leave to crystallise before removing the acetate.