Elle & Vire Recipes

Recipe Hospitali-Tea

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
Puff pastry
600 g T55 flour
50 g Elle & Vire gourmet butter 82% fat
12 g salt
24 g sugar
20 g milk
212 g water
6 g white vinegar
270 g Extra dry butter 84% fat
Orange Joconde
873 g almond powder
20 g orange zest
1164 g whole eggs
616 g icing sugar
71 g invert sugar
237 g strong flour (T45, approximately 14% protein)
177 g Elle & Vire gourmet butter 82% fat
767 g egg whites
200 g sugar
Grapefruit jelly
277 g mandarin pulp
117 g yuzu puree
100 g sugar
8 g pectin NH
290 g grapefruit
Whipped Honyun ganache
395 g Excellence whipping cream 35% fat
30 g honyun tea
14,5 g glucose
14 g invert sugar
26,4 g gelatine mass
280 g dark chocolate 70 %
180 g milk chocolate 43%
843 g Excellence whipping cream 35% fat
Honyun namelaka
200 g milk
20 g glucose
8 g gelatine mass
247 g dark chocolate 55%
10 g honyun tea
183 g Excellence whipping cream 35% fat
22 g Elle & Vire gourmet butter 82% fat
0.6 g salt
24 g raw sugar
22.5 g plain flour (T55, approximately 11% protein)
5 g honyun tea
14.5 g almond powder
270 g streusel
40 g cocoa butter
150 g dark chocolate 70 %
90 g orange zest
Red glaze
250 g water
250 g sugar
250 g glucose
144 g gelatine mass
550 g white chocolate
50 g milk chocolate
250 g neutral glaze
SQ red food colouring
Sweet pastry
31.4 g icing sugar
92 g plain flour (T55, approximately 11% protein)
10 g almond powder
50 g Elle & Vire gourmet butter 82% fat
18 g whole eggs
1 g salt

Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1

    Puff pastry

    Combine the flour and butter to obtain a sandy texture. Gradually add the combined salt, sugar, milk, white vinegar and water to form a dough.
    Place the dough in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Enclose the butter sheet and give the dough one double turn and one  single turn. Refrigerate for 1 hour, then repeat the same folding process.
    Finally, roll the dough out to a thickness of  4.5 mm and let rest overnight.
    Bake the pastry at 150°C for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool for 30 minutes. Cut into Ø7 cm circles. Top with a baking tray to keep flat. Press into moulds and insert 3 cm high rings to provide support for the sides. Return to a 170°C oven and continue baking for another 40 minutes.

  2. 2

    Orange Joconde

    Beat the ground almonds, orange zest, eggs, icing sugar, flour, and inverted sugar. Mix in the butter heated to 50°C.
    Beat the egg whites with the granulated sugar until stiff, then fold into the mixture from step 1.
    Pour the batter into moulds and bake at 200°C for 10 minutes.

  3. 3

    Grapefruit jelly

    Heat the two types of fruit purée to 40°C, mix in the combination of sugar and NH pectin,  and bring back to a boil.
    Let cool, then stir in the fresh grapefruit.

  4. 4

    Whipped Honyun ganache

    Heat the cream, glucose syrup, and inverted sugar to 80°C, then add the gelatine mass and let dissolve.
    Pour the mixture from step 1 into a container with the chocolate and powdered Honyun tea, blend until smooth, then refrigerate. Whip the next day before use.

  5. 5

    Honyun namelaka

    Heat the milk and glucose to 80°C, then add the gelatine mass and let dissolve.
    Verser sur le chocolat et la poudre de thé Honyun, émulsionner à l'aide d'un mixeur plongeant, puis mettre au réfrigerateur une nuit. 

  6. 6


    Combine all the ingredients until they form a sandy texture. Bake in the oven at 150°C for 30 minutes.

  7. 7


    Melt the cocoa butter and chocolate at 40°C, then mix in the streusel and orange zest.

  8. 8

    Red glaze

    Heat the water, sugar, and glucose to 103°C. Pour over the gelatine mass, chocolate, and neutral glaze, then add the red food colouring and blend until smooth.

  9. 9

    Sweet pastry

    Mix the butter and icing sugar until well combined, then add the salt, eggs, ground almonds and flour to form a dough.
    Roll the dough out to a thickness of 2.5mm, cut into shapes, and bake at 140°C for 20 minutes.

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