Cut a beautiful tuna steak into a rectangle of 6 cm long, 2 cm high, and 1,5 cm wide. Lightly oil it with olive oil. Sear on the grill. The tuna must be half cooked.
Present with two spoons filled with green dressing, fresh glasswort sprouts lightly browned in olive oïl with edamame—dipped into boiling water right beforehand then cooled and shelled. Peel the two asparagus tips, cook them in
boiling salted water, then chill before cutting them in bevels and sautéing them in olive oil. Finally arrange an oyster outside its shell and two white anchovies.
Beirut, Bora-Bora, Cyprus, Bali, Oman, Amman... His many expériences abroad shaped french chef Sébastien Cassagbol's culinary identity. He is now the Executive Chef of La Mamounia, Marrakesk (Morocco). He offers tasteful cookingwhich relies on choosing naturality and supplies from small local producers. Interview.