Elle & Vire Recipes
8 persons

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
Fluffy pistachio-flavoured soft biscuit
270 g egg white
270 g fine sugar
QS green food colouring
QS yellow food colouring
110 g whole eggs
90 g T55 flour
90 g ground pistachios
55 g Elle & Vire gourmet butter 82% fat
215 g egg yolk
Grapefruit compote
520 g strawberry puree
1725 g pink grapefruit flesh
280 g sugar
53 g atomised glucose
18 g dextrose
53 g pectin NH
45 g rose water
140 g hydrated gelatine (20 g gelatine + 120 g water)
3 g xanthan gum
Cream cheese mousse
930 g Original american cream cheese 34% fat
620 g Excellence whipping cream 35% fat
410 g milk
185 g sugar
170 g white chocolate
161 g gelatin (23 g gelatin powder + 138 g water)
500 g Elle & Vire gourmet butter 82% fat
630 g T55 flour
144 g icing sugar
42 g egg yolk
10 g fleur de sel
QS vanilla powder
Pink gun sauce
250 g cocoa butter
250 g white chocolate
40 g Valrhona® Strawberry Inspiration
QS fat-soluble yellow food colouring
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1

    Fluffy pistachio-flavoured soft biscuit

    Whip the egg whites and stiffen with the caster sugar. Add the yellow and green food colouring. In a different mixing bowl, whisk the eggs with the egg yolks.
    Combine the two mixtures. Fold in the flour, ground pistachios and then, the melted hot butter. Spread 1100 g of biscuit batter over a sheet of greaseproof
    paper and bake at 190°C for about 10 minutes.
  2. 2

    Grapefruit compote

    Heat the strawberry purée and grapefruit flesh to 40°C. Then, add the pectin diluted in the sugar, dextrose and glucose. Bring to the boil then add the
    melted gelatin and rose water. Finish by mixing with the xanthan gum. Leave to cool and pour 1850 g onto the fluffy pistachio-flavoured sponge and place
    in the freezer. Cut out using a Matfer® cutter or cut into 11 cm x 2 cm strips. Pour the rest (approx. 900 g) into a 36 cm x 28 cm mould to a thickness of
    approx. 5 mm.
  3. 3

    Cream cheese mousse

    Boil the milk and the sugar. Add the hydrated gelatine and pour onto the white chocolate. Make an emulsion. Stir in the cream cheese and add, at 24°C,
    the whipped cream.
  4. 4


    Mix the softened butter with the vanilla, icing sugar and salt. Add in the flour and egg yolks. Keep in the refrigerator.
    Roll out to 2 mm thick. Cut out using a cutter that is slightly larger than the silicone mould and bake on a Silpain® at 160°C for 12 minutes. If you do not have
    this cutter, then you can cut it into 13.5 cm x 3.5 cm rectangles.
  5. 5

    Pink gun sauce

    Heat up all of the ingredients to 45°C.
  6. 6

    Assembly and baking

    Pipe the cream cheese mousse into the Demarle® finger moulds (ref. FX01530). Push the insert into the middle and smooth over the top. Place in the
    freezer. Remove from the moulds and spray with the pink gun sauce.
    Cut 11 cm x 0.5 cm bars of grapefruit compote and coat with a neutral glaze. Then, place them in the centre of the fingers. Top with a 3 cm square of white
    chocolate, made between two sheets of acetate. Add some candied grapefruit zest.
    Chef's tip

    Vous pouvez pulvériser une fine couche de nappage miroir neutre sur les fingers avant de pulvériser le velours afin que celui-ci adhère mieux à la mousse.

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