Whisk the egg whites until stiff, add the sugar and continue whisking. Add the food colouring. Whisk the eggs and the egg yolks in a separate mixer bowl. Combine the two mixtures and fold in the flour, ground pistachios and hot melted butter. Bake in the oven at 190°C for approximately 10 minutes.
Heat the strawberries, wild strawberries and orange juice to 40°C. Add the combined pectin NH and sugar (A). Once the mixture comes to the boil, add the sugar (B) and dextrose powder and heat to 51% Brix (102°C). Add the citric acid solution. Blend until coarse. Pour into a container and set aside. Use a 160 mm diameter ring mould to cut the pistachio biscuit sponge and pipe 150 g of compote on top.
Use a centrifugal juicer to extract the juice of approximately 2 apples. Immediately add the ascorbic acid and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil. Peel 2 Granny Smith apples, dice and pour the lemon juice on top.
Add the diced apples to the boiling mixture, cook for 2-3 minutes without letting the mixture come to the boil, and then add the Manzana liqueur. Cook the diced apples until of the desired consistency.
Heat the cooking juice from the apple confit to 40°C. Add the sugar (A) and the pectin NH. Bring to the boil then add the sugar (B). Bring to the boil and add the citric acid solution and the dissolved gelatine. Add the food colouring. Combine 360 g of jelly with 360 g of drained diced Granny Smith apple. Pour 180 g of apple jelly into a 140 mm diameter insert mould, add a disc of pistachio biscuit sponge on top and freeze.
Combine the sugar, Cream Cheese and Sour Cream. Add the dissolved and melted gelatine with a little Cream Cheese and Sour Cream. At 33°C, add the whipped Sublime and Excellence cream, then the Italian meringue.
Heat the water. Add the sugar and pectagel 843, bring to the boil. Add the sorbitol powder, glucose syrup and inverted sugar. Bring to the boil and add the Excellence Cream, Cream Cheese, dissolved gelatine powder, white chocolate, xanthan gum and sugar. Blend and strain through a china cap sieve. Rest for 24 hours. Use at 35°C.