Elle & Vire Recipes
by Carlo Pavesi

Recipe Cremisù with hazelnuts and coffee

25 pieces

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
250 g French cream cheese
150 fine sugar
35 g water
100 g egg yolk whisked
250 g Excellence whipping cream 35% fat
8 g gelatine
40 g water
Hazelnut and cocoa sponge cake
160 g egg yolks
110 g fine sugar
105 g flour 00 220w
125 g powdered hazelnuts
40 g hazelnut paste
190 g egg white
70 g fine sugar
Coffee for dipping
150 g water
150 g sugar
75 g espresso
10 g fine marsala
500 g fresh milk
35 g coffee beans
60 g fine sugar
150 g egg yolks
300 g chocolate (67% cocoa)
125 g French cream cheese
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1


    Place the French Cream Cheese in a standard mixer with a K beater and run at medium speed to soften the product. In the meantime, whip the cream separately and store in the refrigerator. Put 35 g of water and sugar in a saucepan and heat to 110 °C. Then beat the egg yolks in a mixer and, when the syrup reaches 121 °C, pour it slowly over the egg yolks while still beating. Add the rehydrated gelatine and continue beating. Then add carefully to the cream cheese and lighten the mixture with the previously whipped cream.

  2. 2

    Hazelnut and cocoa sponge cake

    Whip the egg yolks, sugar and hazelnut paste, until the mixture is nice and frothy. Sift the dry ingredients in another bowl. Whip the egg whites until they are glossy, adding the sugar a little at a time. Add part of the beaten egg whites to the first egg yolk mixture, add the dry ingredients and then the remaining beaten egg whites. Bake at 190 °C, without steam, for 7 minutes in a 40 x 60 cm baking tray (about 750 g of dough per tray).

  3. 3

    Coffee for dipping

    Bring the water to a boil, dissolve the sugar in the water and add the espresso. When it has cooled, add the Marsala.
  4. 4


    Leave the coffee to infuse in the milk overnight. The following day, filter the milk, weigh it again and add some more to make it up to the original amount, then bring to the boil. Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks, sugar and cream cheese, pour the milk over the mixture and cook at 84 °C like a custard. Pour over the melted chocolate and emulsify with an immersion blender for 3 minutes, then leave overnight in the refrigerator covered with clingfilm to allow the mixture to crystallise.

  5. 5


    Place a disc of sponge cake soaked in coffee syrup in a 7 cm diameter bowl. Use a piping bag with a size 8 round piping nozzle to pipe about 30 g of Creamafè onto the sponge cake. Alternate with another disc of sponge cake soaked in coffee syrup and, with a piping bag and size 12 nozzle, pipe peaks of various heights with the Creamisù mousse. Finish with a sprinkling of cocoa and chocolate decoration.

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