Elle & Vire Recipes
4 persons

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
8 large langoustines
8 strips of puff pastry (2 cm x 8 cm)
1 egg yolk
QS fleur de sel
300 g spinach shoots
150 g curly leaf parsley
80 g Elle & Vire all Purpose butter 82% fat
60 cl fresh milk
QS Excellence cooking cream 35% fat
QS salt
QS white pepper
QS Elle & Vire all Purpose butter 82% fat
QS Seasonal salad leaves
QS Fresh coriander leaves
QS chanterelle mushrooms
1 finely chopped shallot
QS salt
1 bunch chives
8 large fresh shelled and peeled walnuts
10 cl milk
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1


    Peel the langoustines, keeping the end of the tail.
  2. 2


    Preheat the oven to 220°C. Brush the puff pastry with the egg yolk and water. Sprinkle with fleur de sel and bake in the oven on a baking sheet covered with greaseproof paper a 170°C for 30 minutes. Set aside.
  3. 3


    Blanch the spinach and the curly-leaf parsley. Drain and press well to remove all of the cooking water. Make a beurre noisette, then stop the cooking process with the cold milk and some of the cream. Mix in the blender, adding the above mixture. Whip the other part of the cream.
  4. 4


    Quickly sear the langoustines in the butter. Take care not to burn the butter as it will be used to dress the salad leaves and coriander. Clean the mushrooms and cut them in half if they are too big. Fry the mushrooms in the butter, add the shallot, season with a little salt and add the chives at the last minute. Put the green coulis back on a gentle heat, add the whipped cream and check the seasoning. Dress the plate as in the photo adding the nuts. (placed in 100 ml of milk for freshness)

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A few words about the author…

Pierre Gagnaire

Pierre Gagnaire est un alchimiste du goût et un créateur culinaire de talent dont la cuisine ne cesse d'étonner les gourmets du monde entier. A soixante et trois an, le chef aux trois étoiles continue de prendre des risques à la création de chaque plat, dans les 14 restaurants qu'il possède et dirige comme un chef d'orchestre, à Paris, Londres, Tokyo, Hong-Kong et Las Vegas.

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