Elle & Vire Recipes
4 persons

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
3 bresse chicken breasts
400 g Cooking cream sour taste
1 ripe beefsteak tomato
100 g chanterelle mushrooms
4 thin slices of fennel
10 tender fresh spinach leaves
120 g fresh shelled green peas
QS Thyme / bay leaf
3 pieces lemon peel
1/4 liter chicken stock
QS fine salt
QS fleur de sel
QS ground white pepper
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1


    See ingredients above
  2. 2


    • Clean the chanterelles and spinach leaves.
    • Lightly salt the chicken breasts and place in a heavy ovenproof dish along with the thyme, bay leaf and lemon peel. Coat with the cream, let stand at room temperature.
    • Meanwhile, slice the tomato thinly.
    • Lightly season the 4 slices of fennel with salt and pepper. Boil the peas until tender, then plunge into ice water.
  3. 3


    • Begin cooking the chicken breasts over low heat until the cream begins to simmer.
    • Cover and place in a 200°C oven for 5 min.
    • Transfer the chicken to a rack.
    • Add the sliced tomato and the chicken stock to the dish.
    • Heat slightly, add the peas and adjust the seasoning.
    • Wilt the spinach leaves in a little butter and season to taste.
    • Sauté the chanterelles in butter, season to taste.
    • Slice the chicken and heat it for a few seconds in foaming butter.
  4. 4


    • Begin by placing the spinach and chanterelles on the plate and drizzling with some of the remaining cream.
    • Top with the thinly sliced chicken breast and fennel.
    • Garnish with Fleur de sel.

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A few words about the author…

Pierre Gagnaire

Pierre Gagnaire est un alchimiste du goût et un créateur culinaire de talent dont la cuisine ne cesse d'étonner les gourmets du monde entier. A soixante et trois an, le chef aux trois étoiles continue de prendre des risques à la création de chaque plat, dans les 14 restaurants qu'il possède et dirige comme un chef d'orchestre, à Paris, Londres, Tokyo, Hong-Kong et Las Vegas.

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