Elle & Vire Recipes
1 person

To prepare this dish

Ingredient list
Choux pastry biscuit sponge
140 g whole milk
100 g butter
140 g flour
100 g eggs
170 g egg yolk
290 g egg whites
120 g sugar
1 zest orange
2 g orange blossom
0,5 g yellow food colouring
1,5 g red food colouring
Apricot and orange blossom sublime
400 g Sublime, Cream with Mascarpone
120 g Puréed apricots
1 g orange blossom
20 g sugar
20 g apricot liqueur
Orange almond paste
500 g almond paste 33%
2 zestes orange
Elle & Vire products used

The recipe,
step by step

  1. 1

    Choux pastry biscuit sponge

    Make a classic choux pastry with the milk, butter and strong white flour. Attach the flat beater to the mixer and add the eggs and egg yolks. Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl, add the sugar and continue whisking until stiff. Add food colouring to the meringue. Combine the two mixtures. Spread out onto a Flexipat® and bake at 180°C (356°F) for approximately 12 minutes with a doubled baking sheet.

  2. 2

    Apricot and orange blossom sublime

    Whip all the ingredients together.

  3. 3

    Orange almond paste

    Combine the ingredients. Roll out thinly and decorate using an embossed rolling pin. 

  4. 4


    Spread the apricot sublime cream onto the choux pastry biscuit sponge. Roll tightly in the traditional way. Add the almond paste. Refrigerate. 

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A few words about the author…

Nicolas Boussin

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