Sharing what is best

Sharing of experience

Sharing what is best is one of the fundamental basics in a Chef’s career, verging on duty. Transmission is important in order to pass on excellence and passion for home-made products. It consists of expertise that is learned from the most esteemed predecessors and transmitted to the younger generation. The key words are sharing experience, kindness and respect. It involves more than just know-how, it is the transmission of soft skills.

French Excellence

At La Maison de l'Excellence Savencia®, we are in contact with more than 12,000 Chefs per year and strive to transmit a vision of French Excellence around the world through Elle & Vire Professionnel®’s dairy know-how with the aim of inspiring creativity in younger generations.
« Passing on knowledge is what guarantees the lastingness of our work as pastry Chefs. »

Yann Brys

Best Pastry Craftsman in France (MOF) 2011
Tourbillon - Groupe Evok
Ambassadeur Elle & Vire Professionnel

Yann Brys is a creation pastry Chef for Evok Groupe, a MOF Best Pastry Craftsman (2011) and an Elle & Vire Professionnel® Ambassador. In 2022, he opened his second pastry shop in Paris. Transmission of excellence and sharing his expertise make up a big part of who he is.

« Elle & Vire Professionnel® tries to share a certain idea of gastronomy, of French excellence, that is to say, make nice products, nice pastries, nice creations, with good ingredients, with the Excellence Cream that has such an exceptional flavour. » - Nicolas Boussin

Sébastien Faré
& Nicolas Boussin

Culinary executive Chef, La Maison de l’Excellence Savencia®
& Executive pastry Chef, La Maison de l’Excellence Savencia®
Best Pastry Craftsman in France (MOF) 2000

La Maison de l'Excellence Savencia® is a place of transmission, dedicated to enthusiastic people. It is open to French and international professionals and is run by two Executive Chefs: Sebastien Faré, former Michelin-starred Chef and Culinary Executive Chef and Nicolas Boussin, MOF Best Pastry Craftsman (2000) and Executive Pastry Chef. Together, they share our vision of Excellence.

Discover Excellence creams

Excellence whipping cream 35% fat

Excellence whipping cream 35% fat

Ideal for using in a piping bag, whipping, incorporating, and is deliciously creamy.
Excellence cooking cream 35% fat

Excellence cooking cream 35% fat

Its low reduction rate and quick cooking times make an indispensable addition to your kitchen...