By browsing, hereafter the “Website”, as a user hereafter designated “you” or the “user”, you recognise that you understand and accept the terms and conditions of use, and specific terms applicable to certain Website services, mentioned hereafter.
The publisher of the Website is ELVIR SAS, hereafter the “Publisher”, a company with share capital of 19 447 799,60 €, included in the Coutances company register under following numbers :
SIREN number: 389 297 664
SIRET number: 389 297 664 000 10
EU TVA number: FR 06 389 297 664
The company’s registered office is located at: 2 Route Neuve – 50890 CONDE SUR VIRE – France
Tel: +33 (0)2 33 06 65 00
Publication director: Beatriz Garcia
Claranet - Hosting on Microsoft Azure
Address: 2 rue des Landelles, 35577 Cesson Sévigné, France
Phone: +33 2 99 12 57 57
The Website and all its content (including commercial brands, logos and all graphic, text and software components including tree structures, formatting, articles, presentations, illustrations, photographs and/or any other document) are protected by French and international intellectual property rights.
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The Publisher also reserves the right at any time to improve or modify the information, products, programmes or conditions of use described on the Website without incurring any liability in that respect. The applicable terms, conditions and notices shall be those in force at the date of your connection to the Website.
All trademarks mentioned, in particular Elle & Vire, are registered trademarks.
All photographs used on the Website are protected by copyright. For practical reasons, the applicable photo credits are not mentioned. For more information on the authors of photographs, you may contact the Publisher via the contact form provided.
The Website may include hyperlinks towards third party websites. The user redirected towards such a third party website via a hyperlink recognises that the Publisher has no control over the content, information, products and services offered on such websites.
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The Publisher stresses the inherent characteristics and limitations of the internet and can accept no liability for any loss arising from access to the Website or, on the contrary, from the impossibility of accessing the Website. The Publisher cannot accept any liability for lack of availability of the Website for any reason whatsoever (technical failure, network congestion etc.).
The user expressly recognises that he or she uses the Website at his or her risk or peril and under his or her exclusive responsibility. The Publisher cannot accept any liability for any direct or indirect, tangible or intangible loss to users, their computer or telecommunications equipment or data stored thereon, nor for any associated consequences for their personal, professional or commercial activities.
The information provided on the Website is indicative in nature. It is periodically verified and updated but may still contain errors. It must in particular be taken into consideration at the time it is published on the Website and not at the time you consult the Website (note that data may have been updated between the time at which you download them and the time at which you read them). The Publisher may in no event be held liable on the basis of such information.
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The Publisher proposes the Website mainly for use by [its customers] and any other person wishing to become familiar with its products and services.
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The present terms and conditions apply to all users without limitation of time or space.