Whipping cream is a plain aerated cream, which is use as a basis for the incorporation of other ingredients. That is why it has to remain soft for easy incorporation.
Take the cream, the mixing bowl and the mixer blades or whisk out of the fridge.
Ideally, the cream should be refrigerated for at least 24 hours and the utensils should be well chilled.
Pour the cream into the frosted Pyrex bowl.
Whisk at low speed.
Once the cream begins to expand fully, change to medium speed.
Increasing the speed helps the cream to set, but you need it to remain soft.
Stop quickly and remove the whisk. If the peaks of the cream are soft and fall back down, you are at the ideal stage.
This is a very visible technique, known in French as “bec d’oiseau” or bird’s beak due to the shape.